5 reasons why flamenco is a true Don Juan

Learn why flamenco has been able to enchant the whole world

Flamenco show at tablao Las Carboneras

Flamenco is an art that has transcended borders. Spreading first through Spain, it is now an art that has reached such unusual and surprising places as Japan.

And it is that "I don't know what" that flamenco has, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, with its boldness, beauty and great appeal, which makes it infallible when it comes to seducing audiences and winning hearts.

Today we tell you 5 reasons why we consider flamenco to be a real Don Juan:

1. Its passion and expressiveness: if there is one thing this extraordinarily beautiful musical genre has, it is the power to move. It is practically impossible to remain indifferent before the passion and intensity that emanates from the music, cante and baile flamencos which are full of unparalleled depth, strength and grace.

Show at the Flamenco Cultural Center of Madrid

2. Your intimacy: attending a flamenco show is to be summoned to live an extremely intimate moment. The rawness and authenticity with which flamenco artists show themselves, who let themselves be seen as totally vulnerable and give their all, is capable of piercing us and touching our heartstrings without warning.

Musicians in Tablao La Carmela

3. Their virtuosity: Flamenco artists are admired for their great skill and ability, whether for their mastery of the technique of playing the flamenco guitar, becoming true virtuosos, for their ability to perform an unparalleled deep and emotional cante jondo, or to dance with a dedication and precision that borders on perfection.

Cante Flamenco in Corral de la Morería: Antonia Contreras por minera

4. Su duende: this is the term used to try to explain something so ethereal and emotional that can only be experienced. It is the indescribably magical and exciting atmosphere that a flamenco artist is capable of creating on the tablao by becoming the living expression of the art of flamenco.

Flamenco show in Patio de Leones

5. Its breaking of molds: in the case of Japan, Antonio Gades, Paco de Lucia or Cristina Hoyos were responsible for spreading the passion for flamenco in Japan. Here, and certainly in other parts of the world, their admirers found in this art a much more passionate form of emotional and artistic expression.

Dancer in Tablao La Carmela

After this, we can only suggest you to visit the agenda of flamenco shows in flamenco shows in our tablaos, book the one that most appeals to you and get ready to live an unforgettable experience... And surely unrepeatable.


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