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Juan Ramón Caro's performance at the Teatro Flamenco Madrid

  • Tablaos: Teatro Flamenco Madrid (map)

December 12, 2009


Starting at 30 €.

If you are passionate about flamenco in its most authentic form, you can not miss the opportunity to attend a unique experience with the masterful guitar of Juan Ramón Caro, whose precise and nuanced touch has accompanied flamenco greats. On this special evening, he will be joined by flamenco singer Antonia Contreras, a voice that has won awards such as the prestigious 'Lámpara Minera' for her ability to transmit the duende of cante jondo. Together they will immerse themselves in a magical night where every note, movement and beat will make everyone present vibrate.

December 12, 2009

Cultural Cycle of Dance with Jesús Carmona

December 13

Charity Gypsy Zambomba