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Concert by Enrique Torres at La Quimera

  • Tablaos: Tablao La Quimera (map)

October 28

15 €

The Madrid artist Enrique Torres, with more than 25 years of career dedicated to rumba, will take the stage of La Quimera next Saturday, October 28 to offer a special concert in which there will be no shortage of songs that speak of love and heartbreak, cheerful, fun and full of rhythm and art. He will be accompanied by the guitars of Cheto Muñoz and Ricardo Vázquez, the choirs of Sergio Basuñana and Eleazar Cerreduela, as well as the percussion of Kike Jiménez.

Reservations by phone +34 913 569 361

October 26

Yerai Cortés in the Flamenco Art Cycle of the Centro Cultural Flamenco

October 28

Rafaela Carrasco and Jesús González at Corral de la Morería