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Live flamenco show

  • Tablaos: Café Ziryab (map)

December 4 to 8

From Monday to Wednesday at 8.30 pm; from Thursday to Sunday also at 6.30 pm.

From 15 €

At Café Ziryab, the first week of December overflows with flamenco energy with the powerful performances of Gabriel Matías, Cristina Hall and Sarini Nieto on dance. Accompanied by the deep voice of El Pola and the masterful guitars of Daniel Yagüe and Rafa Salinero, the tablao is filled with passion and artistry in every performance.

December 4

Paula Comitre and Fernando Jiménez at Corral de la Morería

December 6

María Moreno and Jesús Fernández at Corral de la Morería