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Intimate Flamenco at the Cultural Center

  • Tablao: Flamenco Cultural Center of Madrid (map)

August 7 to 13

Monday to Sunday at 18:00, 19:30 and 21:00.
*These schedules may vary each day. Consult the tablao's website

From 15 €

In each palo, the tablao takes on a life of its own. Those who want to see it in first person can not miss a weekly program in which the cante of José Luis Hernández and the guitar of Ángel Flores will accompany great figures of the baile as Pedro Córdoba, Triana Maciel (from 7 to 10) and Carmen La Talegona (from 11 to 13). Get ready to release your deepest emotions through the cante, the baile and the guitar.

August 7

Flamenco live

August 7

Flamenco live