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Florencia Oz and Jesús Fernández at Corral de la Morería

  • Tablaos: Corral de la Morería (map)

From May 25 to June 2

Dinner + Show at 17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 21:15, 21:45
Show at 19:30, 20:00, 22:15, 22:55, 23:00 and 23:15
*These times may vary from day to day. Consult web of the tablao

From 47,95 €.

The Chilean bailaora and choreographer Florencia Oz, National Flamenco Award 2019, takes to the tablao of the Corral de la Morería accompanied by cellist Isidora O'Ryan. Alongside them will perform the prestigious Cádiz dancer and choreographer Jesús Fernández, who will thrill the audience as much as the cante of Miguel Soto 'Londro' and José Hernández, in addition to the guitars of Benito Bernar.

May 25

Círculo Flamenco de Madrid Show

May 27

Concert by cante de Rubio de Pruna accompanied by Joni Jiménez