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Late Night at La Quimera with Tim Ries

  • Tablaos: Tablao La Quimera (map)

November 28

15 €

Saxophonist, composer, arranger, producer and teacher, Tim Ries is one of the most renowned musicians of recent times. Accompanist of artists such as Michael Jackson or Rod Stewart, the audience that comes to the early hours of La Quimera will enjoy his presence in a performance that will feature the baile of Estefanía Narváez, the cante of Rafita de Madrid and the Spanish guitar of Monty. In addition, José María Cortina will enthrall us with the piano, Gloria Wasmer with the violin and Antonio Losada with an exquisite percussion. Undoubtedly, a night to remember.

Reservations by phone +34 913 569 361

November 27th

Flamenco live

December 4

The two sides of the coin' with Fuensanta Blanco and Jesús Hinojosa